Spring Creek Firewise® Community

Who are we?

In Baker County's Community Wildfire Protection Plan the Spring Creek Community landowner's reached out to wildfire preparedness partners in 2018 to learn about becoming a “Firewise® Community” in an effort to reduce their community's collective risk of wildfire. Spring Creek Community members met on October 20, 2018.  The meeting was held at landowner, Steve Edward's home and 11 landowners participated in discussions on the benefit of becoming a Firewise® community.

On January 16, 2018, Irene Jerome conducted a community wildfire risk assessment of the community in consultation with Jana Peterson from Oregon Department of Forestry. OSU Extension, My Blue Mountains Woodland, and Oregon Small Woodlands Association participated as well. On December 24, 2019 the application process was completed by landowner, Gayle Combs.  This application was accepted by the National Fire Protection Association (NPFA) thus forming the first Firewise Community in Baker County.

Where are we?

Find out if you live in our community’s boundaries.

Contact: Gayle Combs - gaylerayejc@gmail.com